Operational planning is a key component of the annual strategic planning process that provides a link between the department’s strategy and the day-to-day efforts of its people.
Definition of Operational Planning
Purpose of Operational Planning
Operational Planning Approach
A standardized operational planning template should be utilized to ensure consistency across the company.
Step 1: Review Strategic Plan
Creating the operational plans begins with reviewing the strategic plan and its mission, vision, goals and objectives.
Step 2: Identify Each Department’s Initiatives
Next, each Working Group member will engage staff to articulate the unit’s initiatives.
Step 3: Align Initiatives to Strategic Plan Objectives
Working Group members will align the initiatives to strategic plan objectives and draft the operational plan.
Step 4: Develop Performance Measures and Targets
Each member will develop performance measures and targets for all of the unit’s initiatives.
Step 5: Align Operational Plans to Budgets
Finally, the operational plans will be aligned to the Department’s budget.
Operational Plan Template
A standardized operational planning template should be utilized to ensure consistency across the company.
The [Department] oversee administrative functions related to [list primary functions]. It consists of [a number of] sections which collectively are responsible for providing [type of services/products] to the company. These sections and their primary responsibilities are outlined below:
Business plans have been created for each of the Departments listed above. Each business plan is organized as follows:
1. Department Mission and Contribution to the Company Mission, Vision, and Strategic Goals.
Department Mission
1 – 3 sentences explaining:
Contribution to the Company Mission, Vision, and Strategic Goals
1 – 3 sentences explaining how the department contributes to the company’s:
2. Structure, Roles and Key Processes
The [Department] is led by [Title of Manager/Director], who reports to [Title of Direct Report]. The [Department] structure is:
Insert Department Organization Chart
The [Department] consist of [a number of] sections. Each of the Department’s sections have key processes for which Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) exist or will be developed. These are listed below:
3. Operating Expectation: Metrics, Targets and Results
For each section list the following:
4. Budget and Actual Expenditures
Business Activities: Included core business activities for each section.
5. Analysis of Risks and Opportunities
The [Name of Department] has identified the following risks and opportunities based on an analysis of the above operating metrics targets, budget results, and findings expressed in the Department’s Quarterly Performance Report.
These initiatives are described in further detail in section 6 below. The Rough Order Magnitude (ROM) budget for these initiatives is already captured in the planned 20XX budget table in section 4 above.
6. Initiatives to Change and Improve the Department’s Performance
This section presents a summary of all the initiatives undertaken by the [Name of Department] in order to improve performance and/or implement requirements established by the Strategic Plan. It is presented in four sections:
1. Number of [Name of Department] Initiatives by Start Date
4. Proposed 20XX [Name of Department] Initiatives and Details
Cost Drivers
Contributing Organizational Sections
Performance Measures & Targets