A start-up company's strategic objectives are to successfully implement strategy, build a strong human capital and design effective organization and operations which are then translated to CEO Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
Does the company have an annual budget planning process in place which is monitored and reported to the Board throughout the year?
Are you comfortable with the financial controls, systems and information processes currently in place?
The company has in place a business plan approved by the Board?
There is a process in place for communicating, identifying and measuring progress of the business plan.
Team Building
The CEO has built a capable team of senior managers.
The CEO motivates and inspires employees to realize the company’s goals and visions.
There is an appropriate level of staff turnover.
Exhibit 1
CEO Performance Focus
CEO Key Accountabilities
What is the role of a CEO?
CEO key accountabilities are to lead a company, ensuring the effective implementation of strategic and growth plans to achieve or exceed targeted profitability, business development and enhancement of the brand image aligned with the company vision, mission and culture.
Exhibit 2
The main key accountability areas of a CEO
Key Accountabilities
Strategic Direction
Provide the board of directors with input in the formulation and implementation of overall business strategies and long-term plans which enable the achievement of vision and mission.
Company Governance
Contribute to the development of sound corporate governance practices and mechanisms to drive the growth and development of the company.
Policies, Processes & Procedures
Direct the development and oversee the implementation of company policices, processes, procedures and controls covering all functional areas so that all relevant procedural & legislative requirements are fulfilled while delivering a quality & cost-effective service.
Direct the design of an optimum organization structure so that resources are optimally utilized, and communication can take place in an efficient manner.
Provide leadership and directions so that the appropriate caliber of human resources is attracted, motivated, engaged, developed, and retained so that the best possible productivity can be obtained from this critical resource to meet the business objectives.
Set performance targets for direct reports and monitor performance to meet business targets.
Provide professional direction, advice and support to all levels of the business on the full range of business to ensure that the operational capability of the business is optimized.
Business Plans
Direct the development, obtain approval from the board of directors, and ensure the implementation of the long-term (five year) business plan and review the estimated required capital and operating costs.
Direct the preparation of annual operational plans to accomplish the structured delivery of the five-year plans.
Direct the preparation of the business budgets and monitor financial performance versus the budget so that the business is aware of anticipated costs/revenues, areas of unsatisfactory performance are identified, and potential performance improvement opportunities are capitalized upon.
Business Modelling
Develop appropriate business models which provide direction to translate the company vision, mission, and strategy into effective business processes.
Marketing & Business Development
Approve all Marketing and branding strategies in line with the approved business strategy in order to meet the business objectives.
Direct the identification of opportunities within and beyond the current portfolio in order to drive the diversification strategy of the company.
Profit Center Management
Manage the overall revenues and profits of the company in order to meet all budgeted revenues and profits.
Performance Measurement and Reporting
Direct the institution of KPI’s performance standards and objectives to ensure that business performance can be measured against such standards and objectives.
Direct the development of functional performance reports in line with international standards in order to be informed about business performance and the financial health of the company.
Manage external stakeholders and other relevant institutions and authorities and strategic partners and/or investors in order to ensure that the appropriate level of external services is obtained to the best advantage of the company.
Continuous Improvement
Lead and direct the continuous review and improvement of functional practices taking into account changes in the business environment, feedback received or analysis of trends and behaviors of customers to improve delivery of customer satisfaction.
Direct the introduction of key technology initiatives to enhance business productivity and accelerate decision making.
Management Reports
Direct the preparation of periodical MIS and progress reports to keep the board of directors informed about the progress of various business initiatives and the financial health of the business.
Key Financial
Operating / Capital Budget
Approves the company budget within delegated limits - in accordance with the approved authority matrix
Accountable for profitability & revenues
Communication and Working Relationship
Interfaces & communicates company performance and key initiatives to the board of directors.
Interfaces with all direct reports related to strategic and operational plans, monitors performance and implementation.
Negotiate prices with strategically important clients / suppliers and maintain a good business relationship.
Network and undertake strategic initiatives to maintain a positive company image with external entities.
How to define, measure and report a key performance indicator?
Introduction Once an organization has analyzed its vision & mission, identified all its stakeholders, and defined its goals & objectives, it needs a way to measure progress toward those goals & objectives. Key Performance Indicators are those measurements. Key Performance Indicators, also known as KPIs or Key Success Indicators (KSIs), help an organization define and measure progress toward organizational goals & objectives. Key Performance Indicators are quantifiable measurements, agreed to beforehand, that reflect the critical success factors of an organization. They will differ depending on the organization. In any Organization there may be dozens of KPIs to track performance. Which ones are significant for any firm at any time depends on what the business is planning to achieve and what the current situation states is. What is a goal? Goals are long-term aims that you want to accomplish or statements you make about the future for your business. What is an objective? Objectives are more specific and easier to measure than goals. They are written without emotion, and they are typically specific, measurable, achievable, and quantifiable. They are also realistic and have an associated timeline. What is SMART? SMART (specific - measurable - achievable - realistic - time related) is an acronym used in setting objectives. What is a Key Performance Indicator (KPI)? KPI is a way of measuring (performance) how well we as individuals or how well entire companies or business units are performing. A KPI should help us understand how well a company, business unit or individual is performing compared to their goals and objectives.
Goal versus Objective
Goals are broad; Objectivesare narrow
Goals are general; Objectives are specific
Goals are long term; Objectives are short term
Goals cannot be measured; Objectives are measurable
Objectives map onto goals and once met, objectives contribute to the achievement of goals.
What are the reasons for objectives?
Objectives helps the organization stay focus
Objectives involves people on the same page
Objectives defines what done looks like
Objective versus KPI For example, your objective might be “preferred leader in market segment A by 4th quarter of 2024." The KPI might be "number of accounts converted to key accounts per quarter in segment A".
How to define, measure and report a KPI?
Ask yourself how you are going to measure (KPI) your activities towards objective achievement and keep it simple.
Define the unit of measurement ($, %, #, etc.). What unit of measurement will be used to measure a KPI?
Where will the data source of the measurement come from (internal/external documents, budget, marketing campaigns, databases, reports, programs, transactions, project schedule, etc.)?
How frequently will you report (monthly/quarterly/bi-annually/annually) on the selected KPI?